Trobar e rimar nella lirica profana galego-portoghese

  • Pilar Lorenzo Gradín (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
  • Simone Marcenaro (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)

The purpose of this article is that of discussing the metric category of equivocal rhyme as applied to the lyrical corpus of Galician-Portuguese troubadours. We will first approach the perspective of Occitan treatises of ars poetica in order to outline this phenomenon in relation to troubadour poetry. Secondly, after identifying those texts in which that specific metric device is used, we will carry out a typological analysis, specially focusing on its emergence within the three principal genres of the peninsular lyric; besides, a diachronic analysis will be conducted, in which we will try to sketch out the possible evolution of this phenomenon, also taking into account its relation to the great model of Provençal poetry. Read more