Ars Metrica 2007/05

Ars Metrica is a stock market for all those interested in metrics and poetry. It was founded at the Second Meeting on Comparative Metrics in Budapest.

You can publish articles and preliminary versions on our virtual journal Ars Metrica if you want to have them discussed by colleagues visiting this web site. We hope that authors will profit from the comments of the colleagues who visit Ars Metrica.

Ars Metrica is a web site designed for both authors and editors. Publishing houses who want to make use of the forum can publish their articles here either as a full version or as a “digest” version (title, layout and logo can be retained).

Printed journals can publish articles which have been formerly released on Ars Metrica. Editors who would like to publish articles from our stock market are invited to negotiate with the authors themselves. A program will help to automatize the negotiations.

Authors’ rights are defined by the authors themselves with the help of the program of “Creative Commons

You are invited to publish treaties in Ars Metrica which are too long to be published in printed journals or which suit better a virtual publication (data bases, repertories, etc.). Data should, however, not be bound to a special operating system or computer.

An advantage of our forum is that articles can be accepted and offered in many languages. Although we ask you to employ the most commonly used languages in your abstracts and discussions, we are looking forward to receive interesting articles in less known languages. National rubrics (e.g. Hungarian, Galician) will facilitate the access to sources of supplementary information on national poetic traditions. In addition, Ars Metrica offers a discussion forum for questions on metrics as well as a variety of information on metrics, e.g. bibliographies, conferences, etc.

Please send your publications to Levente Seláf (ELTE, Budapest – Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt) (, Patrizia Noel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich) (, or Ángel Lujan Atienza (

The web site is free of charge.